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Command Line Functionality

Executing core functionality of PM from the command line.

Most key tasks can be performed from the command line, and here we document all such functionality.

1 - Input tags

Input tags used by PM from the command line.

List of Input Tags

lattice_vectors, basis_atoms,


Testing 1 2 3

type:real, matrix
scripts:xx, yy

type: matrix

dimension: 3x3


lattice_vectorsLattice vectors in three dimensions, specified by a row-stacked 3x3 matrix.
basis_atomsBasis atoms of crystal structure.
supaA matrix of integers which left multiplies lattice_vectors to create a superlattice.
axial_strainA vector of three floats which specifies the axial strain.
strainA 3x3 real, symmetric matrix which specifies a general state of strain.
point_groupA string specifying the point group in Schoenfiles notation.
kpointA three dimensional vector specifying a kpoint.
qpointA three dimensional vector specifying a qpoint.
kpoint_meshA vector of three integers, specifying the kpoint mesh for electrons.
qpoint_meshA vector of three integers, specifying the qpoint mesh for phonons.
kpoint_pathA row stacked matrix of kpoints used to create a path through the BZ for plotting electronic bands.
qpoint_pathA row stacked matrix of qpoints used to create a path through the BZ for plotting phononic bands.
force_constantsA dictionary with keys being three dimensional vectors and values being NxN matrices, where N is the number of degrees of freedom in the unit cell.

Tags with vector or matrix values

Many variables will be vectors or matrices, and all such variables will be processed by our text parser. Below are several examples which illustrate the variety of different ways that vectors may be input.


lattice_vectors: |
   0 1/2 1/2
   1/2 0 1/2
   1/2 1/2 0
lattice_vectors: 0 1/2 1/2; 1/2 0 1/2; 1/2 1/2 0

2 - Crystal Structure

Most computations require a crystal structure, and PM has a standard yaml file for doing so.

For many different tasks performed in the PM suite, a crystal structure, or some component of a crystal structure, must be provided to the code. Most likely, this will be done using a yaml input file, and the two required key words are vec and atoms, which will contain the lattice vectors and the basis atoms, respectively. Considering the flourite structure, the most straightforward yaml file would be:

# xtal.yml
  - Ca: 
  - F:

The code will infer that there is one basis atom labeled Ca and two basis atoms labeled F.

When entering matrices, we will always run the input through our general array parser (see parse_array if interested in the details). Therefore, there are many different options for entering a matrix as a string. For example, consider the following two examples:


scale: 2.764309
vec: |
   0 1 1
   1 0 1
   1 1 0
  - Ca: |  
     0 0 0
  - F: |
     1/4 1/4 1/4
     3/4 3/4 3/4

scale: 2.764309
vec: 0 1 1 ; 1 0 1 ; 1 1 0
  - Ca: 0 0 0 
  - F: 1/4 1/4 1/4 ; 3/4 3/4 3/4

where scale is a constant that multiplies all lattice vectors (a list of three constants could have been provided), and the vertical lines tells yaml to expect a text block. Our parser has a hierarchy of delimiters, ranging from space, comma, semicolon, newline. In the above example, we have two types of delimiters (i.e. spaces and newlines), which tells the code to form a matrix.

Prototype Crystal Structures

There are a number of very common crystal structures that are adopted in numerous compounds, such as rock salt, flourite, etc. There is a simple command line script to output these crystal structures.

$ pm-prototype-xtal --perovskite
# Crystal
  [[ 3.91300000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000],
   [ 0.00000000,  3.91300000,  0.00000000],
   [ 0.00000000,  0.00000000,  3.91300000]]
  - Sr: 
      [[ 0.50000000,  0.50000000,  0.50000000]]
  - Ti: 
      [[ 0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000]]
  - O: 
      [[ 0.50000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000],
       [ 0.00000000,  0.50000000,  0.00000000],
       [ 0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.50000000]]

3 - General Utility for crystals

Periodica performs a collection of different tasks for crystals.

Here we provide some of the basic functionality for periodica. A crystal structure file must be provided on the command line, either as a filename or as standard input. The crystal structure is simply output if no other commands are provided. Let us use pm-prototype to look at some examles.

# start with perovskite
pm-prototype-xtal --perovskite > xtal.yaml
pm-periodica xtal.yaml

# or we can simply do this
pm-prototype-xtal --perovskite  | pm-periodica

In both cases, the output will be:

# Crystal
  [[ 3.91300000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000],
   [ 0.00000000,  3.91300000,  0.00000000],
   [ 0.00000000,  0.00000000,  3.91300000]]
  - Sr: 
      [[ 0.50000000,  0.50000000,  0.50000000]]
  - Ti: 
      [[ 0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000]]
  - O: 
      [[ 0.50000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000],
       [ 0.00000000,  0.50000000,  0.00000000],
       [ 0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.50000000]]

Basic manipulations of the unit cell can be peformed, like shifting or permuting the atoms.

pm-periodica xtal.yaml --shift-origin 0.5,0.5,0.5 --shift-into-cell --permute-atoms 0,1,3,4,2
# Crystal
  [[ 3.91300000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000],
   [ 0.00000000,  3.91300000,  0.00000000],
   [ 0.00000000,  0.00000000,  3.91300000]]
  - Sr: 
      [[ 0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000]]
  - Ti: 
      [[ 0.50000000,  0.50000000,  0.50000000]]
  - O: 
      [[ 0.50000000,  0.00000000,  0.50000000],
       [ 0.50000000,  0.50000000,  0.00000000],
       [ 0.00000000,  0.50000000,  0.50000000]]

Basic information about the lattice can be printed.

4 - Symmetrizing displacements

A key task is to symmetrize the basis such that the vectors transform like irreducible representations.

Here we illustrate how to symmtrize displacements at a given q-point according to irreducible representations of the little group using the script pm-disp-qrep. Take the example of \(\bm{q}=(\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2})\) in cubic SrTiO\(_3\). We will use pm-prototype-xtal to generate the crystal structure file.

$ pm-prototype-xtal --perovskite > xtal.yml

Printing out the irreducible representations, we have

$ pm-disp-qrep xtal.yml --point-group Oh --qpoint 1/2,1/2,1/2 --print-irreps
OrbitKey(name='Sr', index=0) [0]
OrbitKey(name='Ti', index=0) [0]
OrbitKey(name='O', index=0) [0, 1, 2]

We can also print out the irreducible representation vectors.

$ pm-disp-qrep xtal.yml --point-group Oh --qpoint 1/2,1/2,1/2 --print-vectors
 0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
 1.0000  0.0000  0.0000
 0.0000  1.0000  0.0000
 1.0000  0.0000  0.0000
 0.0000  1.0000  0.0000
 0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
 0.5774  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.5774  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.5774
 0.7071  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 -0.7071  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
-0.4082  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 -0.4082  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.8165
 0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.7071  0.0000 -0.7071  0.0000
 0.0000  0.0000 -0.7071  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.7071  0.0000  0.0000
 0.0000  0.7071  0.0000 -0.7071  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
 0.0000  0.7071  0.0000  0.7071  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
 0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.7071  0.0000  0.7071  0.0000
 0.0000  0.0000  0.7071  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.7071  0.0000  0.0000

This script will block diagonalize a dynamical matrix which has been provided. Consider the dyanmical matrix at the gamma point for STO:

$ cat dmat.yaml
      3.6228  0       0      -2.990   0       0       0.2751  0       0       0.2751  0       0      -1.1822  0       0     
      0       3.6228  0       0      -2.990   0       0      -1.1822  0       0       0.2751  0       0       0.2751  0     
      0       0       3.6228  0       0      -2.990   0       0       0.2751  0       0      -1.1822  0       0       0.2751
     -2.990   0       0       2.060   0       0       0.2442  0       0       0.2442  0       0       0.4416  0       0     
      0      -2.990   0       0       2.060   0       0       0.4416  0       0       0.2442  0       0       0.2442  0     
      0       0      -2.990   0       0       2.060   0       0       0.2442  0       0       0.4416  0       0       0.2442
      0.2751  0       0       0.2442  0       0       4.0322  0       0       0.90    0       0      -5.460   0       0     
      0      -1.1822  0       0       0.4416  0       0      11.6616  0       0      -5.460   0       0      -5.460   0     
      0       0       0.2751  0       0       0.2442  0       0       4.0322  0       0      -5.460   0       0       0.90  
      0.2751  0       0       0.2442  0       0       0.90    0       0       4.0322  0       0      -5.460   0       0     
      0       0.2751  0       0       0.2442  0       0      -5.460   0       0       4.0322  0       0       0.90    0     
      0       0      -1.1822  0       0       0.4416  0       0      -5.460   0       0      11.6616  0       0      -5.4605
     -1.1822  0       0       0.4416  0       0      -5.460   0       0      -5.460   0       0      11.6616  0       0     
      0       0.2751  0       0       0.2442  0       0      -5.460   0       0       0.90    0       0       4.0322  0     
      0       0       0.2751  0       0       0.2442  0       0       0.90    0       0      -5.460   0       0       4.0322

We can then block diagonalize as follows:

pm-prototype-xtal --perovskite2 | pm-disp-qrep --point-group Oh --qpoint 0,0,0 --dynamical-matrix ~/dmat.yaml
T1u-block : [('T1u', 0), ('T1u', 1), ('T1u', 2), ('T1u', 3)]
Dynamical matrix sub-block - first row
[[ 0.    0.    0.    0.  ]
 [ 0.    2.57  3.2  -0.18]
 [ 0.    3.2   3.01 -1.33]
 [ 0.   -0.18 -1.33 16.7 ]]
Mass matrix sub-block - first row
[[ 36.7    5.59 -27.74   0.  ]
 [  5.59  45.08  13.87   0.  ]
 [-27.74  13.87  69.71   0.  ]
 [  0.     0.     0.    16.  ]]
Mass renormalized Eigvecs
[[-0.324  0.931 -0.169 -0.017]
 [ 0.692  0.111 -0.713  0.   ]
 [-0.644 -0.348 -0.68  -0.046]
 [-0.035  0.    -0.034  0.999]]
Unique Frequencies (meV)
[-8.19 -0.58 19.56 66.13]

T2u-block : [('T2u', 0)]
Dynamical matrix sub-block - first row
Mass matrix sub-block - first row
Mass renormalized Eigvecs
Unique Frequencies (meV)

It may be desirable to perform a unitary transformation within some irreducible representation subspace. Consider a yam file called unitary.yaml with the following content:

# unitary transformation to nearly diagonize the T1u subspace
- block: ['Optical',0] 
  irr_rep: 'T1u'
  instances: [0,1]
    [[ -0.73059222, 0.68281403 ],
     [  0.68281403, 0.73059222 ]]

The conventional output is:

$ pm-prototype-xtal --perovskite2 | pm-disp-qrep --point-group Oh --qpoint 0,0,0  --print-vectors

('Acoustic', 0) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
('T1u', 0)
[[0.447 0.    0.    0.447 0.    0.    0.447 0.    0.    0.447 0.    0.    0.447 0.    0.   ]
 [0.    0.447 0.    0.    0.447 0.    0.    0.447 0.    0.    0.447 0.    0.    0.447 0.   ]
 [0.    0.    0.447 0.    0.    0.447 0.    0.    0.447 0.    0.    0.447 0.    0.    0.447]]
('Optical', 0) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
('T1u', 0)
[[-0.224  0.     0.     0.894  0.     0.    -0.224  0.     0.    -0.224  0.     0.    -0.224  0.     0.   ]
 [ 0.    -0.224  0.     0.     0.894  0.     0.    -0.224  0.     0.    -0.224  0.     0.    -0.224  0.   ]
 [ 0.     0.    -0.224  0.     0.     0.894  0.     0.    -0.224  0.     0.    -0.224  0.     0.    -0.224]]
('T1u', 1)
[[-0.866  0.     0.     0.     0.     0.     0.289  0.     0.     0.289  0.     0.     0.289  0.     0.   ]
 [ 0.    -0.866  0.     0.     0.     0.     0.     0.289  0.     0.     0.289  0.     0.     0.289  0.   ]
 [ 0.     0.    -0.866  0.     0.     0.     0.     0.     0.289  0.     0.     0.289  0.     0.     0.289]]
('O', 0) [2 3 4]
('T1u', 0)
[[ 0.408  0.     0.     0.408  0.     0.    -0.816  0.     0.   ]
 [ 0.    -0.816  0.     0.     0.408  0.     0.     0.408  0.   ]
 [ 0.     0.     0.408  0.     0.    -0.816  0.     0.     0.408]]
('T2u', 0)
[[ 0.     0.     0.707  0.     0.     0.     0.     0.    -0.707]
 [-0.707  0.     0.     0.707  0.     0.     0.     0.     0.   ]
 [ 0.     0.     0.     0.    -0.707  0.     0.     0.707  0.   ]]

Now we can print the relevant output after the unitary transformation:

$ pm-prototype-xtal --perovskite2 | pm-disp-qrep --point-group Oh --qpoint 0,0,0  --unitary-transformation ~/unitary.yaml --print-vectors

('Optical', 0) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
('T1u', 0)
[[-0.428  0.     0.    -0.653  0.     0.     0.36   0.     0.     0.36   0.     0.     0.36   0.     0.   ]
 [ 0.    -0.428  0.     0.    -0.653  0.     0.     0.36   0.     0.     0.36   0.     0.     0.36   0.   ]
 [ 0.     0.    -0.428  0.     0.    -0.653  0.     0.     0.36   0.     0.     0.36   0.     0.     0.36 ]]
('T1u', 1)
[[-0.785  0.     0.     0.611  0.     0.     0.058  0.     0.     0.058  0.     0.     0.058  0.     0.   ]
 [ 0.    -0.785  0.     0.     0.611  0.     0.     0.058  0.     0.     0.058  0.     0.     0.058  0.   ]
 [ 0.     0.    -0.785  0.     0.     0.611  0.     0.     0.058  0.     0.     0.058  0.     0.     0.058]]

Given some distorted crystal structure, one can project the displacement onto symmetrized displacements. Consider the primitive unit cell of STO where the ferroelectric mode is allowed to condense by treating the nuclear motion as classical:

$ cat xtal_ferro.yaml

# Crystal
  [[ 3.89736730,  0.00092044,  0.00092044],
   [ 0.00092044,  3.89736730,  0.00092044],
   [ 0.00092044,  0.00092044,  3.89736730]]
  - Sr:
      [[ 0.02422827,  0.02422827,  0.02422827]]
  - Ti:
      [[ 0.52563170,  0.52563170,  0.52563170]]
  - O:
      [[ 0.51647453,  0.01719097,  0.51647453],
       [ 0.51647453,  0.51647453,  0.01719097],
       [ 0.01719097,  0.51647453,  0.51647453]]

Projecting onto irreducible representations gives:

pm-prototype-xtal --perovskite2 | pm-disp-qrep --point-group Oh --qpoint 0,0,0  --unitary-transformation unitary.yaml  --project-xtal xtal_ferro.yaml
Projection onto irreducible representations
Block : Acoustic
T1u     0.1744  0.1744  0.1744

Block : Optical
T1u     -0.0353 -0.0353 -0.0353
1.T1u   -0.0018 -0.0018 -0.0018

Block : O
T1u     -0.0023 -0.0023 -0.0023
T2u     0       0       0

5 - Products of Irreducible Representations

Perform direct products and symmetric direct products of irreps.

A common group theoretical task is the direct product or symmetric direct product of irreducible representations. The composition of a product is obtained as

$ pm-irr_rep_product --point-group Oh --irr-reps T2g,T2g

# T2gxT2g  = A1g+Eg+T1g+T2g 

The composition of a symmetric product is obtained as

$ pm-irr_rep_product --point-group Oh --irr-reps T2g,T2g --symmetric 

# [T2gxT2g] = A1g+Eg+T2g

An arbitrary number of irreps can be handled

$ pm-irr_rep_product --point-group Oh --irr-reps T2g,T2g,Eg,Eg,A2g

# T2gxT2gxEgxEgxA2g  = 2A1g+2A2g+4Eg+4T1g+4T2g

Another important task is constructing the irreducible representation vectors of the product representation in terms of the rows of the original irreducible representations.

$ pm-irr_rep_product --point-group Oh --irr-reps Eg,Eg  --print-irr-vectors  

#  EgxEg  = A1g+A2g+Eg
# irr   Eg.0xEg.0  Eg.0xEg.1  Eg.1xEg.0  Eg.1xEg.1  
# A1g   0.7071     0.0        0.0        0.7071     
# A2g   0.0        0.7071     -0.7071    0.0        
# Eg.0  0.0        0.7071     0.7071     0.0        
# Eg.1  0.7071     0.0        0.0        -0.7071 

The same can be done for the symmetric product

$ pm-irr_rep_product --point-group Oh --irr-reps Eg,Eg  --print-irr-vectors  --symmetric 

# [EgxEg] = A1g+Eg
# irr   Eg.0xEg.0  Eg.0xEg.1  Eg.1xEg.1  
# A1g   0.7071     0.0        0.7071     
# Eg.0  0.0        1.0        0.0        
# Eg.1  0.7071     0.0        -0.7071

It might also be useful to print out the transpose of the results, which can be done with the print-transpose flag:

$ pm-irr_rep_product --point-group Oh --irr-reps Eg,Eg  --print-irr-vectors  --symmetric --print-transpose 

# [EgxEg] = A1g+Eg
#           A1g     Eg.0    Eg.1    
# Eg.0xEg.0  0.7071  0.0000  0.7071 
# Eg.0xEg.1  0.0000  1.0000  0.0000 
# Eg.1xEg.1  0.7071  0.0000 -0.7071 

In many cases, one is only concerned with the identity representation, and the flag only-print-identity will only print identity representations and will prune out any basis vectors that are not contained in the product:

$ pm-irr_rep_product --point-group Oh --irr-reps Eg,Eg  --print-irr-vectors  --symmetric --only-print-identity 

# [EgxEg] = A1g+Eg
#     Eg.0xEg.0 Eg.1xEg.1 
# A1g  0.7071    0.7071   

6 - Compute Irreducible Derivative

Describes how to compute irreducible derivatives for a xtal using LID or BID.

Within this package we can compute irreducible derivatives of phonons and phonon interactions at a given order with either LID or BID approach. The theory behind these approaches are described in the following paper:

Specifically, we can execute the LID, SS-BID and HS-BID approaches from the command line using the following commands:

  1. pm-lid-mesh: compute irreducible derivatives of a given FTG and order using LID method;

  2. pm-bid: compute irreducible derivatives of a given FTG and order using SS-BID method;

  3. pm-hsbid: compute irreducible derivatives of a given FTG and order using HD-BID method.

These commands take in generally the same command line options, therefore one can switch between approaches by changing the command while keeping the options the same. For example, below is guide on using the LID approach to compute irreducible derivatives of NaCl at second order but one can replace pm-lid-mesh with pm-bid or pm-hsbid to execute SS-BID or HS-BID approach.

LID Approach on NaCl at Second Order

There are many ways to use this package to execute calculations of the irreducible derivatives with LID approach. Here we demonstrate a recommended workflow to execute our LID approach at second order on NaCl from forces computed by first principle method.

Symmetry Analysis and Find the Measurements to Compute

First we create a file xtal.yml describing the structure of NaCl:

# xtal.yml
  [[ 0.00000000,  2.83000729,  2.83000729],
   [ 2.83000729,  0.00000000,  2.83000729],
   [ 2.83000729,  2.83000729,  0.00000000]]
  - Na: 
      [[ 0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000]]
  - Cl: 
      [[ 0.50000000,  0.50000000,  0.50000000]]

Then, with this structure and the point group \(O_h\), we can write the minimal configuration file, named config.yml, to execute the LID approach with a supercell \(\hat{S}_{BZ}=2\hat1\):

# config.yml
structure: 'xtal.yml'
supa: |
  2 0 0
  0 2 0
  0 0 2
pg: 'Oh'
order:  2
full_symmetry: True
delta: [ 0.02, 0.03, 0.04]

There are numerous parameters which have default settings that can be changed, and these can be added to the config.yml file listed above:

fdtype: 'c'                  
root_directory: '.'
database: 'database.db'
db_type: 'sqlite'
db_table: 'lid_phonon'

With the configuration file we can initiate the pre-processing step which will execute the symmetry analysis and create the jobs that need to be computed with first principles:

pm-lid-mesh --config config.yml --create 

The above step will create two files:

  • lid_mesh.hdf5: A HDF5 file containing the computed symmetry analysis results, which will be used in the post-processing step to compute the irreducible derivatives after first principle calculations are finished.

  • database.db: A SQLite database file containing the jobs need to be computed with first principle calculations (db_type is specified to be ‘sqlite’ in the config.yml file, other database can be used if a working interface is provided).

Prepare and Execute First Principle Calculations

The next step is to create the first principle jobs to be computed, the package generically supports all types of first principle compute engines provided a working interface, and here we demonstrate using VASP. We begin by create the VASP jobs to be executed:

  pm-jobs --config config.yml --create --engine vasp --save-config jobs_config.yml \
    --job-config-path path-to-vasp-input-templates --root-directory jobs-ro-run

Inside the path-to-vasp-input-templates directory, one usually needs to provide “INCAR”, “KPOINTS” and “POTCAR” files and they will be used as templates when creating the vasp jobs, each vasp job will be created in a separate directory for convenience. Once these directories are created, VASP can be executed within each directory. Afterwards, the calculation results can be collected and stored in the database:

  pm-jobs --config jobs_config.yml --retrieve

Compute Irreducible Derivatives from the Results of First Principle Calculations

Finally, we can execute the post-processing step of the LID approach to compute the irreducible derivatives and, for example, compute the force constants tensors for Fourier interpolation:

  pm-lid-mesh --load-lid-mesh lid_mesh.hdf5 --config config.yml \
    --post --save-fi --save-ids --save-dts

If the material of interest is an insulator and the dipole-dipole interaction needs to be considered, the dataset for computing the dipole-dipole interaction needs to be provided as an input as well:

  pm-lid-mesh --load-lid-mesh lid_mesh.hdf5 --config config.yml --epsilon path-to-epsilon.yml \
    --post --save-fi --save-ids --save-dts

The dataset for computing the dipole-dipole interaction can be computed from first principle methods. Continuing with the VASP example, we can obtain the dataset by executing a static calculation adding LEPSILON=.TRUE. to the “ICNAR” file. Once the calculation is finished, use the following command inside the calculation directory to parse the output from VASP and create the epsilon.yml file:

  pm-epsilon --vasp -o epsilon.yml .

then replace path-to-epsilon.yml with the path to the generated epsilon.yml file.

The following files are created in this step:

  • irreducible_derivatives.hdf5: A HDF5 files containing the names of the irreducible derivatives and their values.

  • fourier_interpolation.hdf5: A HDF5 files containing all the necessary information (structure, force constants tensors, FTG and dipole-dipole contributions if at second order) to compute Fourier interpolation.

  • dynamic_tensors.hdf5: A HDF5 files containing all the dynamic tensors in the naive basis within irreducible Q.

Computing and analyzing error tails

The results of any finite displacement approach are only reliable if the discretization error has been properly controlled. Forward and backward finite difference guarantee a linear error tail, while central finite difference guarantees a quadratic error tail. Resolving the error tail is a sure sign that the discretization error has been properly extrapolated to zero. For phonons, we will be taking either the first derivatives of the forces or the second derivatives of the energy, which are typically not sensitive. Therefore, it is common practice to use a single finite displacement (i.e. a single delta), and then there is nothing to analyze. However, there are plenty of situations where one does find sensitive results, such as metallic systems with Fermi surface nesting or even band insulators when using the SCAN functional. If one computes three or more deltas, then the error tail can be scrutinized to judge the quality of the result.

To examine the error tails, the corresponding data must be output during the post-processing of results. The above lid-mesh commands needs the –err-output flag as follows:

  pm-lid-mesh --load-lid-mesh lid_mesh.hdf5 --config config.yml \
    --post --save-fi --save-ids --save-dts --err-output error_tails.hdf5

The next step is extract the results from the hdf5 file and output them to individual yaml files:

pm-convert-errortail error_tails.hdf5

The yaml files can then be plotted to PDF files. For example:

pm-plot-errortail 1_0_errortail.yml --iscomplex --output 1_0_errortail.pdf

At present, one can execute a loop in bash over all the files:

for i in *_errortail.yml; do
  echo $i
  pm-plot-errortail $i --iscomplex --output $(basename $i .yml).pdf

Computing phonon dispersion and DOS

With the fourier_interpolation.hdf5 file obtained at second order, we can compute phonon dispersion and density of states (DOS).

Let’s continue the NaCl example and first prepare the configuration file phonon_config.yml for computing the phonon dispersion and DOS:

# phonon_config.yml

  - ['0 0 0', '1/2 1/2 0']
  - ['-1/2 1/2 0', '0 0 0']
  - ['0 0 0', '1/2 1/2 1/2']
  - $\Gamma$
  - X
  - $\Gamma$
  - L
mesh: 20 20 20

Then we can execute the following command to compute the band structure and DOS:

  pm-phonon-band-dos --load-fi fourier_interpolation.hdf5 --config phonon_config.yml \
    --save-band --save-grid --save-dos --save-plot

The following files are created in this step:

  • band_plot_config.yml: A YAML file with the configuration the plot the band structure and DOS;

  • bands.dat: A text file with the phonon band structure data computed with Fourier interpolation;

  • grid_phonons.dat: A text file with the data of the phonons that are measured at the FTG that fall on the path in the plot;

  • dos.dat: A text file with the data of phonon DOS.

We can plot the phonon band structure and DOS with the following command:

  pm-plot-band -s band_plot_config.yml

Phonon bands and DOS of NaCl

7 - Phonon Linewidth and Thermal Conductivity

Using second and third order irreducible derivatives to compute the phonon linewidth and thermal conductivity.

Second and third order irreducible derivatives must be computed first, as described here, and the second and third order force constants may then be used to predict the phonon linewidth using perturbation theory. The phonons and the linewidths can then be used to computed thermal conductivity with the relaxation time approximation.

Phonon Linewidth

Here we continue the NaCl example from before.

First, we need to prepare a configuration file config.yml for the pm-conductivity command:

#  config.yml
structure: xtal.yml
load_fi2: fi_order2.hdf5
load_fi3: fi_order3.hdf5
mesh: [11, 11, 11]
  - ['0 0 0', '1/2 1/2 0']
  - ['-1/2 1/2 0', '0 0 0']
  - ['0 0 0', '1/2 1/2 1/2']
  - $\Gamma$
  - X
  - $\Gamma$
  - L


  • xtal.yml contains structure of NaCl;

  • fi_order2.hdf5 is the HDF5 data file for the FourierInterpolation class at second order, which contains the 2nd order force constants;

  • fi_order3.hdf5 is the HDF5 data file for the FourierInterpolation class at third order, which contains the 3rd order force constants.

In this example, we use the FourierInterpolation object of a \(\hat{S}_{BZ}=4\hat{\mathbf{1}}\) FTG (i.e. a \(4 \times 4 \times 4\) supercell) at second order and the FourierInterpolation object of a \(\hat{S} _{BZ}=2\hat{\mathbf{1}}\) FTG (i.e. a \(2 \times 2 \times 2\) supercell) at third order. We interpolate the phonons and phonon interactions to the mesh of \(11\hat{\mathbf{1}}\), and compute the linewidth along the K-path \(\Gamma \to X \to \Gamma \to L\).

Execute the following command the compute the phonon linewidth:

pm-conductivity --config config.yml --save-gamma

Thermal Conductivity

Using the same NaCl example, we can prepare a configuration file config.yml similar to the one above:

# config.yml
structure: xtal.yml
load_fi2: fi_order2.hdf5
load_fi3: fi_order3.hdf5
mesh: [11, 11, 11]

Execute the following command the compute the thermal conductivity using relaxation time approximation (RTA):

pm-conductivity --config config.yml --save-kappa --mode RTA